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Frolov: Washington fails to mobilize allies against Russia and China Munich Security Conference.
This article considers the countries of the so-called “Big Three” and the relations among them today. An attempt is made to predict the places and roles of the three countries in reworking the world order, based on the views they hold and features of the existing and future world order. Recommendations are made for their optimization and building harmonious relations capable of establishing a durable and long-lasting peace.
This article analyzes development prospects of relations between Russia and Japan as Japanese diplomacy toward Russia becomes more active. In May 2016, Prime Minister S. Abe put forward an eight-point cooperation program. More than 100 economic agreements have been signed within the framework of that program; however, most of them have not been implemented. The author examines the reasons for failure of these bilateral relations to develop.
This article analyzes the structure and dynamics of raw materials and commodities exports from the Siberian Federal District to the PRC. It focuses on the branch and geographic specificities of the foreign trade activity of individual parts of Siberia. Special attention is paid to the foreign trade policy of the PRC in the sphere of imports, particularly from Russian regions.
The Global Context THE CURRENT STAGE of Russia’s pivot to the East is the product of the second half of the 2000s largely as a belated economic response to the rise of Asia, which opened new opportunities for the country’s development, especially for its eastern part. That rise made it possible to turn the Ural […]
POST-IMPERIAL and post-Soviet Russia has just started its quest for self-identity. This is neither good nor bad: its new state hypostasis is only twenty-five years old which makes it not an easy task to send “Urbi et orbi” a clear and convincing message about its essence and the optimal ways of its realization. Each U-turn […]
TODAY’S INTENSE CONFRONTATION between Russia and the West is causing increasing anxiety both among political experts and among ordinary people all over the world. Polemics between the two sides tend to be sharper than propaganda philippics of the Cold War era. 1 The euphoria of the 1990s over the “end of history” with the standoff […]
The authors examine geopolitical changes and military threats to the Russian Federation at sea, showing the role and place of the navy in the strategic nuclear and nonnuclear deterrence, as well as in countering the U.S. so-called prompt global strike, and formulate the principal development priorities for the navy until 2025.
Armen Oganesyan, Editor-in-Chief of International Affairs: Sergey Alekseyevich, over the past several months, the pace of international life has become extremely intense and evidently fast. What would you single out as the most important thing amid this mass of events? S. Ryabkov: The pace has certainly accelerated. I have no doubts about that. The most […]
The authors offer a comparative analysis of the approaches taken in Russia (U.S.S.R.) and the United States to the deployment of their strategic antiballistic missile defense systems, and survey the major stages of ABM system development. They show the influence the U.S. military doctrine has exercised on the formation of the country’s ABM defense and its intention to take advantage of the new world order to use its ABM system for a different purpose instead – delivering a first nuclear missile strike with impunity.