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Analysts: New air defenses will deter Russian strikes, but manpower, artillery gaps cannot be filled; front may stabilize until end of 2024.
Gozman: Putin does not appreciate that part of his job is empathizing with citizens, sees the people affected by disasters as ‘unworthy’ of help as they have nothing to give ‘in exchange’
Patrushev: ‘Bloody’ NATO, unleashed by fall of Warsaw pact, attacked Yugoslavia, closed on Russia’s borders, militarized post-coup Ukraine; US uses russophobia to keep allies dependent.
Zhelenin: Crocus City, official reaction bear all hallmarks of kremlin false flag attack.
THE geopolitical shifts and transformations that have taken place in the world in recent decades have affected many problems related to protecting national interests and ensuring national security. For many eras, armed power has been considered the key tool in implementing state interests. Under today’s conditions, however, along with military force, other forms, methods, and means are playing an increasingly important role.
Roshchin: Division within the elites is what is needed to effect a change in power in Russia; election protests sent ‘powerful horizontal message’ that Kremlin can’t suppress dissent.
Rudnev: Russia’s promotion of ‘traditional values’ has had little effect on Russians’ attitudes.
Kolesnikov: TV coverage showed media circus ahead of longest-ever message, but president trod familiar ground; massive spending plans, nuclear saber rattling put spectators to sleep.
The year 2023 has seen a noticeable intensification of Russian-North Korean interaction, confirmed by the active exchange of mutual visits. In summer 2023, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu visited Pyongyang; in September, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Vladivostok and met with Russian President Vladimir Putin; and in October, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov went to the DPRK.
Zavadskaya: Navalny’s murder ‘great human tragedy’ that marks major turning point for the Russian regime; Navalny and his team have built a ‘structural frame’ for a new political system; people must not now ‘give up,’ be silent.