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Republic: Belgorod residents grapple with realities of wartime life.
Shevchuk: Only role candidates have in the election is to deflect negativity from Putin.
THE main phenomenon of the social mainstream is the institution of the state and its evolution (“shrinking”), associated with the increased activity of civil society and a reevaluation of the role of the market.
Martynov: Boycotting election will cause more repressions, tamp down antiwar movement, further isolate Russians from world; voting can change a rigged election into a platform that may help save Russia’s future.
All-Russia Center for the Study of Public Opinion (ARCSPO) director Valery Fyodorov explains to RBC how “fighting Russia” is different from “urban Russia,” what Russian people’s hopes are and how they are coping with anxiety.
Ekspert: Pashinyan must now confront the wrath of Armenians for letting Karabakh go, Russia will need to determine a way to protect its interests in the South Caucasus.
Karpovich: Pashinyan lacked emotional ties to Karabakh, viewed region as a bargaining chip to use with west; Russia will work with Azerbaijan to ensure respect for people left.
RBC: Kim’s visit to cosmodrome shows interest in rocketry, satellite technology; US claims Russia is trading food for arms; Moscow denies violation of un sanctions, stays mum on goals.
THIRTY-TWO years ago, an event took place that American political scientist Francis Fukuyama claimed marked the “end of history.” It was argued that the disappearance of the Soviet Union from the world political scene and the end of the Soviet socialist project meant that there was no socioeconomic alternative to a liberal capitalist world order – a system that puts the individual above society and private business above national interests and gives overconsumption priority over progress.
Ekspert investigates growing use of darknet banking to access foreign online services.