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A Chinese envoy said Thursday [Feb. 17] that the settlement of the Ukraine issue must return to the implementation of the Minsk Agreements.
China: “China once again calls on all parties concerned to remain calm, not to do anything to aggravate tensions or hype up the crisis, and to properly resolve their differences through consultations on an equal footing on the basis of mutual respect and fully taking into account each other’s legitimate security concerns,”
Golts: Russian proposals are unacceptable to NATO, US, but contain some points that would improve European security overall; however, Moscow’s ultimatum stance shows it intends
to keep raising the stakes, threatening a war.
Lipsky: All signs indicate U.S., Russia, Ukraine not ready to go to war, but the situation is so volatile, any spark could set off fighting
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 73, Number 49
Latynina: Russia won’t risk full-blown war with Ukraine and will instead stick with its strategy of waging hybrid wars, which are much easier to deny and much harder to lose.
Felgengauer: US, NATO naval presence in Black Sea is mere posturing amid Russia-Ukraine tensions
This article notes that Washington and Tokyo intend to continue hindering Taiwan’s reunification with Mainland China, which would greatly strengthen Beijing’s position in the Pacific Ocean. Under the administration of President Donald Trump, the United States notably stepped up its support for Taiwan, in both expanding its official ties with Taipei and supplying it with American arms.
Golts: It is clear that Russia and the NATO countries have entered a new cold war.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 73, Number 36