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Pukhov: Moscow’s readiness and determination to use military force to defend its interests are the main lever of influence on Ukraine, and the main means of forcing peace on Kiev.
Ryklin: Buildup of Russian military on Ukraine’s border has West on edge, but Putin would need a swift, decisive victory for any military incursion into Ukraine to pay off.
This paper goes over the most popular myths of the Wehrmacht superiority showing that the widespread belief about the superior martial qualities of its soldiers and the captainship of its generals have been grossly overrated, while their treatment of prisoners of war (POWs) and civilians in occupied territories was nothing short of criminal.
THE CRISIS between Russia and the West is associated with Crimea and Russia’s actions in Donbass and Ukraine; in fact, it has deeper roots while its long-term repercussions might prove to be much graver than expected. A large-scale armed clash cannot be excluded even if this possibility is gradually reducing; we should be ready to […]
THE FORMER SOVIET UNION (FSU) remains a zone fraught with conflicts on the political map of the world. Political instability and festering disputes, including territorial disputes and disputes between political elites, prevail in many countries of the region. The developments in Ukraine show the realness of bringing into play the military factor to achieve political […]