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Living up to the epithet of “surveillance empire,” the United State has, for decades, conducted indiscriminate mass surveillance of foreign governments, companies and individuals as well as its own citizens.
Based on an analysis of the causes and conditions of hybrid warfare, as well as its sociopolitical nature, this article formulates some of the laws and principles of HW as a new type of interstate confrontation, revealing their essence and content.
RUSSIAN-AMERICAN RELATIONS are going through what is probably their worst phase in the last 70 years. Diplomatic contacts are at a bare minimum. Dialogue on education, science, culture, sports, and humanitarian cooperation has been almost entirely cut off by the American side. Trade and economic ties have been fatally disrupted by a wave of sanctions. […]
Dong Yue: The US’s highhanded approach cannot hold up the inevitable demise of so-called US hegemony, nor will those maneuvers succeed in containing China.
Sun Ding: The US has yet to truly face up to the issues plaguing its democracy
Xinhua: The US as the so-called “beacon of democracy” is collapsing not only among Americans, but also those around the world.
Wang Lei: Washington should not underestimate China’s strong determination and will to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Those who continue to play with fire over Taiwan-related issues will ultimately pay a heavy price.
Xinhua: For a long time, the US alliance system has adhered to the Cold War mentality, and has been obsessed with zero-sum games. It trampled on justice for self-interest, provoked conflicts and wars, imposed unilateral sanctions, and reaped world dividends, posing serious threats to and undermining the international system with the United Nations as the core and the international order based on international law.
Xinhua: A more complex and challenging humanitarian catastrophe is shaping up in Afghanistan after the US started hastily withdrawing its troops from the country, leading to an immediate conflict escalation and a rapid deterioration of security.
Sheng: “The present American-style democracy is a game in which the stink of money contaminates the real democracy.”